St. John Lutheran Preschool is always happy to serve you and your family. We hope we have met your needs and have surpassed your expectations. If so, one of the kindest compliments you can give is to recommend us to a friend.
For every NEW family who you refer that enrolls and completes 2 months of the school year, you will receive $100 TUITION CREDIT. The referred family will also receive a $100 TUITION CREDIT. This is a great chance to save money! Each time a child is enrolled, as a result of your recommendation to other parents, you will receive $100 TUITION CREDIT.
This offer is exclusively for current St. John Lutheran Preschool Families that are paying full time tuition, and the referral program is for prospective parents or guardians who will be paying tuition for full-time child care children attending St. John Lutheran Preschool. Credit will be applied at the end of 2nd month anniversary of enrollment.